How to Get to Roscoff Ferry Port
Roscoff Ferry Port Directions
Below you will find all the information needed when travelling to Roscoff Ferry Port by car, train or coach.
Roscoff Ferry Port by Car
From E50 : Take the E50 from Paris to Morlaix and then the D58 to the port.
From D69 : Take the D69 direct to the port if travelling from the direction of Brest and Quimper.
From N12 : If travelling from Rennes take the N12 towards Morlaix and then the D58 to the port.
Roscoff Ferry Port By Rail
There is a train station in Roscoff which is connected to Morlaix. Trains from Morlaix to Roscoff take 30 minutes. Morlaix is connected to the rest of France on the TGV rail network.
Roscoff Ferry Port By Bus
A regular bus service operates from Morlaix to Roscoff taking 35 minutes.
Parking at Roscoff Ferry Port
There is free parking available in the large open car park in front of the passenger terminal. Parking at the owner's risk. If this is full there is additional free overnight parking for cars and caravans close by.
Roscoff Port Map
Brittany Ferries
Gare Maritime,Port de Bloscon, 29680 Roscoff, France
Irish Ferries
Gare Maritime,Port de Bloscon, 29680 Roscoff, France
GPS: 48.7262, -3.9853